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Temp-to-Perm Staffing

Temp-to-Perm Staffing

The Temp-Perm staffing known as “try before you hire” concept is a strategic approach under which the contract employees  (on agency’s payroll) are hired on a permanent basis (on company’s payroll) if the companies find them a best fit . The primary benefit for the employer is that it gives a chance to evaluate the potential of the employee, before they invest on the employee for the long-run.

If our client considers a contract employee on our payroll a good fit as a Permanent hire for them, we can get the process done with a mutually beneficial deal.

Benefits of Temp-to-Perm Staffing

Reduce the risk

Companies leveraging a temp-to-perm hiring strategy can reduce the risk of bad hires as they measure their real world performance during their contract tenure and put them in a Permanent role if they find them a good fit. 

Avoiding Legal issue

If the company’s needs change after the temporary employment period has ended and the company is not able to hire the employee on a permanent basis, the employee cannot file an unemployment claim against the employer.

Easy transition

Since the temporary employees had already got familiar with the policies and procedures of the organisation, transitioning a temporary employee to a permanent one will be a smooth process.

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